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cool :)

Love it, really classic nice vibe to it and plays nicely!

Lack of sound is a bit disappointing, but I kept playing nonetheless so that says something. 

Currently stuck at the part after the first few screens of immortal red cyclops thingies (with the statues blocking a path to the left). Did get the power up for my revolver, but I haven't got a revolver yet ;-) First having lunch, then I'll start backtracking.

Ah, backtrack successful, forgot about that door :-)


Finished, liked it. About the sound, I don't even think you need music necessarily, sound effects would go a long way. But definitely liked your little adventure!


Thanks Swoopie! I'll definitely consider adding some sounds down the line. I'm glad you liked it :)


Great stuff!

A great  aesthetic. Definitely captured classic NES style and mechanics. 

I really enjoyed the progression. Nicely challenging but never frustrating.

Looking forward to more :)

Thanks! I really appreciate the review and I'm glad you enjoyed it :) 


Love it


Those enemies with projectiles scare me.